This is all about...
...another homework!!!
Now, I won't repeat what I have posted in the side bar, under "This Blog and I in a Nutshell", as my goals for this blog. It is quite straightforward and simple.
How I managed to customize my blog: by flushing the blogger ad, by shrinking my profile, by dividing the links into two sections: 1-Bloggin' It, links to the 'blogosphere'; 2-Linkin' and Likin' It, to route my readers (and myself, by the way) towards interesting links on development, education, and technologies. This section is likely to become big as I progress with my paper; I'll try to distil it once in a while, in order to make sure that I am offering "quality stuff" on my blog.
The links towards my other blogs are important for me: they allow the reader to see me as a multidimensional individual, rather than as text on a screen. Elements of my personal life (eeek!) can be found under "Personal, Classified", whereas more general comments about the history of science and the evolution of my understanding of the role of science for development can be found under "It All Comes Down to This".
Finally, I will insert a sentence or two in French here and there, since I am still a very proud Québécoise, and believe I should somewhat contribute to French scholarship on issues of technology.
Voilà! C'est tout pour le moment! À la prochaine!
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