jeudi, janvier 26, 2006

Hey, Women Hactivists!

I am writing this in the hope that some of the women who will read this post and I are like-minded.

I am part of a women's reading and discussion group, called the Wondering Women, and we have a project going on that might have some of you interested.

Recently, a book called 'What I Meant to Say' was published by Canadian 'intellectuals,' about their 'private lives,' which we know often include... WOMEN!

So I am preparing a defensive move against the too-often misogynistic content of the book, a website with the title of the book in the URL, offering an 'alternative' point of views of the different essays/stories of the book. So, women! If you are interested in participating, please contact me so I can give you more information. Basically, we are preparing reviews to be posted online.
A lot of fun... Using the WWW to counter cultural messages!

My utoronto email address is elise dot paradis.
