jeudi, septembre 21, 2006

Sannnnnnn Frannnnnnnn

Leslie and I went to Sannn Frannn Sunday.
Good times.

A view of the water:

An arc that looks like a boat:

At first, I thought they were mermaids in the distance. Then I thought they were terremaids (MERmaids, TERREmaids... ouhouh!)
Me, then, with the robots.

Some more flowers and fruits (very necessary):

At first, I forgot to comment on this picture:

It is an interesting sign, that we are not very likely to see in either Quebec City or Stanford, CA. Not enough hippies, I am afraid. Quebec City ones freeze in the wintertime, while those of Stanford go to Berkeley...


Anonymous Anonyme said...

The lovelyest murmaid of them all is you my lovely.....dan

9/23/2006 3:15 p.m.  
Blogger Elise Paradis said...

Bonnes nouvelles, Mémé!

Merci, Dan!
Trop gentil!


9/23/2006 3:27 p.m.  

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