Leslie's Home Sweet Home
I have arrived at my final destination, and Leslie came to pick me up at the airport with all my stuff. Nothing lost, nothing stolen. I still have my head on my shoulders, and just a little bit of anxiety in my stomach.
I will survive.
And so will Leslie, by the way. ;)
She, too, went through a period of doubt and anxiety two weeks ago. I guess it was meant to happen for all of us, newcomers.
Purple bear, Leslie the earache and Elise the helicobacter have finally been reunited. Pfew.
They also met their new friend: Homer Simpson the wiggly head.

The party is stil raging, and will probably be for days.
I am finishing my work for Azam today. Then it will be time to go to campus, meet the administrative staff (!) and confirm my arrival and willingness to undertake it all. Four years sprint. Or stroll. We'll see how it goes.
Besides, a quote from Ron St-Amant: "There's a weblog behind every cool kid. Really."
Very nicely put, Ron!
And a little hello to someone who has not dropped by here in a long time: S.
Love you all!
So glad you (and stuffed coterie) have arrived safely in the Bay Area...now if only the transporter device I've been trying to build in the garage would work so that one could easily materialize from Toronto to California...then I'd be so much happier...alas...I'm no scientist
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Good to know you had a nice trip! How is california like? Good food out there? ;) Anyways, i hope to hear from you soon. Take care!
Link to my blog:
Do you mind if i post some of your pictures on my blog?!
Chère Alexe,
Tu es la bienvenue sur mon blogue.
Prends tout ce que tu veux. Les photos sont là pour ça.
Je jette un coup d'oeil au tien aujourd'hui!
(Les photos de la Californie s'en viennent.)
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