vendredi, août 04, 2006

Mom and I at the Lake Shed

My mom and I went on holidays together at OOB, aka Lake Shed. Here are a few pictures.

On the way to the Shed, we went through both Lisbon and Moscow.

Here are proofs:

and a beautiful lake in Moscow:

Of me, under the famous Pier:

Where in 1897... nothing happened:

... and from which we can see the beach:

... and where my mom made a pause as she hung out with a shark:

We really had a good time, and very nice (cough cough) American food... of the very greasy type, obviously.

Okay. This combo is especially for Greg to freak out: yes, I am on holidays with my mom, and yes, we are eating yogourt with bagels.

Here I am, taken in picture while I am guilty of such a sin:

Here is my mom, doing the same... with blueberries:

On the way back, we were caught in traffic, so I had time to say hi to my friend Laney... even though I am a woman.

Finally, yet another proof that my mom loves pets: she hung out with a moose for a little while!
