samedi, mars 11, 2006

de la broue dans le toupet

Je suis à bout de souffle!

Since I've heard about my admission to UCLA, I've been unable to catch my breath. Now I am relaxing, since I've heard from Stanford, and confirmed my acceptation there, into the ICE Ph.D. Yippee!

Now, I've been working like a madwoman on the Wondering Women website. It is finally looking okay... we have a domain name... I just need to get the comments from the other girls on the project, and we are ready to launch it! Azam suggested a press release... I wonder if I will feel like it is good enough.

My paper is going well. It is almost written. Again, I feel like I am learning a lot. This knowledge will be put to use in my Ph.D. Great.



Anonymous Anonyme said...

Congratulations for Stanford!

I am sure you will like the West Coast, Elise.

You can be proud of who you are, where you are, where you are going and who you will become.

See ya.

5/23/2006 8:54 p.m.  

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