pictures - 1
Sorry that the pictures are not all in the rigth direction...
This is a picture of what remains of the Berlin Wall.

This is a wonderful painting found in the window of one of Berlin's funky galleries:

This is Samantha (who left Berlin today, bouh-ouh!), with her tajin, aka Chile. Elle est vraiment superbe. Nous avons echange nos coordonnees.

This is a sign of one of the paying bathrooms. Yes, they are cleaner than in Toronto. But you have to PAY TO GET A PISS!

This one is of Chad and I, on top of Frankfurt's highest tower (a mere 200 m...).

These are strangers of whom we took pictures, as they were drinking on the street and we thought that was neat.

These are mz friends: Leslie, Sir Sanctis and the Shadow Knight. Good times, good times!

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