travel pictures - 4
A little stone man on the sidewalk:

Yasu and I, being silly in a fancy restaurant:

Automated toilet seat covers changers, at the Cafe Louvre:

Me, taking a picture of the flowers I wore in my hair after finding them on the sidewalk, and finding they EXACTLY matched the color of my jacket:

Great couple of antique teddy bears, hanging out in the old city. I wanted to buy the red one (25$), but it was a little bit bulky. Snif snif. The owner was nice enough to let me take a picture of it, luckily.

A dogs allowed sign:

A poster for the communist museum. Notice the irony: it stands on top of a McDonalds.

Tes photos sont amusantes et intéressantes et en plus tu me fais pratiquer mon anglais ! Thank you!
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