a bunch o' geeky stuff
Hum. Hanging out with Laura sometimes makes me feel old. Actually, not old as much as geeky. And I found an explanation online, on the phdcomics.com website (an old cartoon):

A friend I worked with at the Athletic Centre in Toronto told me, after I told her Stanford kicks my ass, that "this is nerd talk for I am not getting As". Hum. It made me think, really. Was it REALLY what I meant? We'll see what my transcript says...
More seriously, things are going well, even if they are QUITE hectic right now. It's called the end of the quarter by most people. I call it Stanford.
Warren and I are submitting an IRB to write about our teaching experience. It'll be awesome.
Eric and I are working on some survey data.
And I am starting to make plans for the summer.
As an intro to my summer plans... a dual comic strip from phdcomics.com again (I know, Laura, I am SO pathetic! Such a sketchy grad student.)

So, anyway, as for the summer plans, I will be taking 3 classes, I think.
The good thing is, though, that I will be going to Mexico at the end of August for Brenda and Bernardo's wedding!!!!!!!!
They are getting married, so I'll spend close to two weeks with them in Leon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got a job for my return, with the Stanford Honors College in STS!!!!!!!
Three weeks of awesome work with students and their research projects!
Life is good, life is good!!!!!!
Oki. I must stop now. I had my dose of Procrastin-X, and Warren and I are meeting Ed at 10.
(Ooops, I forgot to say that I am going on a two-day hike with Katherine and some other peeps. Hope to have some pictures soon!)
Love y'all!