dimanche, mai 27, 2007

Dans le sud y fait frette


Comme ça mes posts sont pas trop populaires!!!!!!!

Personne n'était content de me voir yogurt-handed! Tsé.

Bon. Le weekend a été awesome.
Guillaume et moi avons décolé vendredi soir vers Big Sur. Un peu de trafic sur la 101, mais il fallait s'y attendre, un long weekend.

On a bouffé à Monterey (des sushi tellement bons! Les meilleurs que j'aie mangés depuis Toronto...), puis avons continué dans le noir vers le Sud. On a trouvé un petit endroit super cozy où installer nos sleepings. Dans le noir, on ne pouvait pas voir l'Océan, mais on distinguait une petite montagne et une falaise à pic.
L'humidité créait des nuages qui peu à peu nous tombaient dessus en une bruine fine.

On a dormi quelques heures, nous sommes réveillés vers 6h, avons jasouillé puis avons continué vers le Sud (je m'endormais encore, pas lui au moins, surtout qu'il conduisait). On a parké la voiture près d'une plage où les éléphants de mer viennent se reposer. Leur gloussement est tellement drôle!!!!!

On s'est changé, avons monté nos vélos, puis avons décollé.
Guillaume tire en fou. Moi je me cachais et il prenait tout le vent. (Hehehe, sneaky me!) On a roulé pendant 1h30, puis sommes revenus. 32 miles, 52 kilo. Pour une première sortie, je suis pas mal fière.
On a fait quelques montées assez longues, et... les décentes!!!!!!!!! Tellement cool!!!!! Mon vélo est une vraie machine!!!!!

Il faisait un peu froid (pour la Californie, disons...), et on avait les orteils gelés à la fin. Y fait frette dans le Sud.

Bon. C'est tout pour maintenant. Je dois continuer à travailler un peu.
Ça n'arrête pu!!!!!

(Euh, en fait... Guillaume m'a fait écouter un show de Louis-José Houde... TORDANT! C'était notre workout d'abdos au retour...)

lundi, mai 21, 2007


Leslie caught me yogurt-handed!!!!!!!!!!

samedi, mai 12, 2007

Björk for frrrrrrrrrreeeeeeee!

Nia nia nia, nia nia nia!

I will be seing Björk for free in San Jose on the 19th!
Rains -- my residence -- will be paying for my ticket!
I am psyched (I'll let you know more soon!)!

Things are going a little bit better here.
Warren and I are still working like mad(wo)men on the course. The first round of assignments is in.

I passed my third quarter review, which leaves me very enthusiastic about my future research.
Prof. R was not all that happy that I am signing out of ICE, and told me that qualitative sociology at Stanford is an oxymoron. But I am hanging in there. Just watch me kick ass.

Talking of kicking ass... muay thai is SO MUCH FUN! I am having a great time, and slowly getting back in shape. Hard, hard, hard to climb back the hill of fitness after a slow, steady decline!

Jonathan will come visit in late June. That's so exciting! We'll hang out in SF for a long weekend.

Okay. I must tune in to Björk, to get ready for the concert next weekend. I need to know every single song by heart... again!

Love y'all!


mardi, mai 01, 2007

before someone sends me bomb threats...

Time for a new blog entry... before someone sends me bomb threats.
(Hu-humm, frérot...)

What's new?
(1) More fights with my colleagues for the class we are teaching collectively.
(2) Some serious ass-kicking at muay thai...
(3) Drama at the queer party

(1) I've said enough about this already...

(2) I am getting back in shape, and suffering some bruises in the meantime.
Yesterday we did a lot of sparring, and I had to yell at one of the guys once again for underestimating me (I think it is the third time I have to set him back into place...).

So, here's the story.
We are three beginners this quarter. Me, and two guys: one who's probably 5'10", the other 6'3".
The shorter one is trying his best, and we do fight to a decent level.
The tall one, however, keeps downplaying his "game", and acting girly with me. He does not try to land his punches. He keeps his elbows low, thinking I won't hit him in the head (we are not allowed to do that... yet). So he simply pisses me off with his cat-fightish manners. "You want me to hit you?" "Well, Dude, I am here to fight, not to be girly!"
So we fight and we fight and we fight until exhaustion, and I laugh my head off for getting an upper core massage by men wearing 16-oz boxing gloves... that are bigger than my head.

"Good times," would say Guillaume.

(3) I went to the third and final queer party last Saturday. Went with Leslie, to meet Laura.
It was a lot of fun. Laura and I danced all night, she kept insisting I was "drunk" after 1 drink (I know it sometimes happen, but not this time). I was just very happy to be surrounded by "my peeps". (Hehehehe...)

The theme was "Condelicious Rice", after our dear friends Condie and Fergie.
I wore my gray woolen skirt and my green tank top.
While waiting for Leslie to get ready, I used my exacto knife to transform a cereal box into a sign that read: "WMD" with an arrow pointing downward. I hung it to a belt that I put around my neck, so that the arrow would point toward my ass.
(Heheheheheh! So immodest!)
Leslie and I dropped by Clément's birthday party for a few seconds, and Clement almost choked when I showed him the sign. Grégoire loved it.

The sign got all wet from sweat (eeeeeeeeeeewwwwww) very early, and I started to point it toward Laura at random intervals: a girl in the crowd was highly upset that she wasn't hanging out with her, but with me rather...
She didn't really enjoy... but she didn't succeed taking it away from me either.
Ya-hhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (No, no, I wouldn't kick her ass...)

Lots of fun, lots of fun!


Queer is the way.
