mardi, juillet 04, 2006

The Vegan Special Edition

Yes, I must admit, I have a lot of time to waste.
I was playing with my 'mail' signatures, and decided to use a quote Jeff saw on a t-shirt: 'I eat vegans'. I needed to find a picture that suited the quote. And here comes the Vegan Special Edition of my blog!

A few pics, then... and finally, the one I chose!

About vegan farming practices, and its influence on the daily habits of farmers:

The 'nihilist deli':

The frustrated vegan activist:

And one of my favourites:

Mouahahahahah! Makes me think about Shah... Still no news from him.

Now, the one I chose for my signature:

Mmmm.... Vegans! I'd eat vegans.


A recent addition:

I eat vegans, as everybody knows; in the meantime, my non-vegetarian friends are still hoping to make me eat meat again.

A blog for those who'd like to find inspiration to become vegan, sent by Jeff:


Blogger Aarwenn said...

Wow, you found my vegan blog! I'm overwhelmed! How did "jeff" find it?

Note to self: keep it up better.

7/20/2006 5:41 p.m.  

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