"the French don't conceptualize diversity"
Okay, I am back to life. Thanksgiving week off is coming up, so I have a little more time to catch my breath and enjoy a few seconds of writing on this poor, poor blog, who suffered from acute loneliness over the past few weeks.
Life at Stanford is great. Lots of sun, lots of smily people, lots of activities.
Tonight, for example, I am going to see Paul Farmer talk at the Memorial Auditorium. The venue sold out. Wow.
They don't and won't have snow. But they have things that LOOK LIKE snow banks. Look, here!

Ju Jitsu is going well, although I am not kicking as much ass as I was in karate.
Yesterday I overheard a young woman complain to an older man that she lacked a word in French to express something. She continued, "the French don't conceptualize diversity". Hum. I wonder if she was talking about "gender". I faced the same issue myself when I was writing my scholarship applications (in French) and trying to talk about my future work.
I am preparing research papers on gender and decentralization, and on feminist pedagogy and feminist theory in the Stanford Teacher Education Program.
My mom is in China.
My sister is back home. (She sent me a bracelet and some Chicken earrings from Chile, gorgeous. Her third present has yet to be photographed... You'll like it.)
So here, le Poulet wearing chicken earrings:

And the bracelet come mustache:

I'm having fun with the French crew.

(Oh, and I DON'T look that skinny. Weird photo effect, and the fact that I am upside down... Bizarre!)
Life is good!
heh. great mustache babe!
no there is no snow in northern california, but just you wait for January...when the rain starts and doesn't stop for a month :p
no snow here in Toronto yet either...in fact its not even all that cold yet..my little computer readout notes that it is 12C outside right now.
keep sending more pictures!!!
Greetings, Elise! I am visiting at Ron's suggestion. No, I did not skip over every French post and head straight for the English, but perhaps I should have. I will be here for hours today, translating with my pocket dictionary, in order to find out the true reason you have placed wine in your shoes.
Beautiful blog - I hope that including your link on my list isn't presumptuous!
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