mercredi, février 14, 2007

Valentine's day!

First, I post a rose Dan sent me for V-day!

Then, I recycle a drawing from last year, an autoportrait:

(An update) Jeff's card:

And finally, I know I am late on the news, but I have often better things to do than to keep up with pop culture on YouTube...
Go see this if you have 10 minutes to spare (you'll want to watch it twice...):




Anonymous Anonyme said...

What's going on here?
I usually start my day with some clever Elisian thoughts, but you've stopped posting new ones! I demand fresh material! *grumble grumble* You damned college know-it-all hippies make me sick: you're so busy forging utopian concepts and smoking pot that you forget your friends! *grumble grumble*

2/21/2007 11:44 a.m.  

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