La question plastique
Bon. Mettons les choses au clair.
No. I haven't had Botox infiltrations. It is not because I now live in California that I will go Hollywood style.
However, I confess that it might appear so, given my new profile picture on Facebook:

Mais ce n'est pas le cas.
Écris Jonathan:
"Ton visage m'a semblé... différent.
Difficile à décrire. Peut-être « plus plastique ». Tu avais plus de maquillage
qu'à l'habitude? Ou je suis juste mauvais observateur et tu trahis des émotions?"
More plastic? More makeup? ;)
I indeed was wearing some makeup (which is VERY unusual), and was quite happy (thus the smiley face), but... plastic??? I blame it on the flash.
I started asking myself, though: when is the last time I saw Jonathan. Is it possible that I have changed a bit since we met? And then I realize it has been over a year. Or has it? I remember it was the summer, but... can't remember which.
The New Year's party was fun, even if I was a cheap drunk and a cheap date. I was tagged early in the night with a $1.39 price tag. I'd like to remind you that these were American bucks. Please.

Donc, le temps de fêtes n'a pas été trop festif, mais m'a au moins permis de parler à quelques amis égarés ici et là. Mentionnons Doudou, Sonia, Jennifer, Nyla (qui vient me visiter bientôt!).
Mark bailed out. Mais c'est pas de sa faute. Il est trop occupé.
Je vous aime tous! Bonne année!
so lovely...even with a strange red hat!
ah la la... trying to make me feel guilty eh! tss! ;)
Thanks Ron!
Mark. Je me sens négligée.
you're welcome :)
by the way, is the new Minister of Agriculture, Christian Paradis, a relative??
It's actually fun to read your French and see how much I can still comprehend; it's been ... twenty-one years since I've had occasion to read French at all!
J'aime bien le chapeau rouge!
I can't believe those cheap Americans were only willing to pay a buck and a few pennies for a gorgeous french speaking graduate student!
C'est confirmé, les États-Unis traversent une période de sévère décadence morale. Une chance qu'au Canada nous avons Stéphane Dion pour renverser la tendance... iouf!
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