mardi, février 20, 2007

fini les ouch

Comme dirais Peter: Fini les Ouch.

Je vais mieux, un peu, parce que je suis à nouveau en un seul morceau. Mon bras est guéri!!!!!!
Je commence la réhabilitation bientôt.
J'ai surpris le docteur tout à l'heure: je lui ai dit que j'étais en éducation; il m'a demandé "what kind of teacher do you want to be?" et je lui ai répondu, en riant: "I don't want to be a teacher!" "I don't understand..." And I laughed, replied "I do research.


Encore une fois je me fais blamer pour mon silence.

Les trucs ici ne vont pas trop mal.
Je cours tout partout, au point où je rêve d'un congé (la première fois de ma vie, vraiment...).

J'ai eu la chance de parler à Jeff lundi soir, et à Stefan hier.
Ah, les hommes!

Je devrais exploser en cours dans environ deux heures, à propos de la murale de la School of Ed. Arrièriste.

J'ai vu "Borat" avec Guillaume lundi soir. C'était bien plaisant, quoique assez perturbant. Vraiment.

Aussi... j'ai remarqué que de drôles de trucs poussent aux arbres, ici. Les arbres à vélos, entre autres, abondent.

Finalement, Grégoire le Français pédant et moi nous sommes bien amusés dimanche soir au party d'anniversaire de Joni.
J'aurais aimé avoir des photos... malheureusement non...


mercredi, février 14, 2007

Valentine's day!

First, I post a rose Dan sent me for V-day!

Then, I recycle a drawing from last year, an autoportrait:

(An update) Jeff's card:

And finally, I know I am late on the news, but I have often better things to do than to keep up with pop culture on YouTube...
Go see this if you have 10 minutes to spare (you'll want to watch it twice...):



lundi, février 12, 2007

Rant. Again.

We had a very unfortunate experience in the pizza seminar last week, where the 34 of us were basically told to shut up, be quiet, and accept that this world (academia) is not about change.

As a reaction to this, I came up with these rules of etiquette for those who would like to talk with *us*, educational researchers.
Here they are;

1. Don't tell us we are underpaid. We know it.
2. Don't tell us we are low status. We know it.
3. Don't tell us we can't change the world. It is all a matter of scale.
4. Don't tell us you are an education expert if you've been in school for 16+ years. We have been riding air planes for 20+ years, and we don't claim to be able to drive one.
5. If you so badly want our underpaid, low status job, come on in, and join the group of us who are working to change the world.

The wording is still awkward. But you get the idea.


I need to explode somewhere.

Utilize is for things you use as a tool to do something efficiently.
It is NOT synonymous with "use".
Stop using "utilize" everywhere because it sounds scholarly!

In sum, don't use certain words just because they make you look important.
Use them when they help convey another level of meaning.
The simpler the better.


dimanche, février 04, 2007

evil skateboard

this entry will be short

i broke a bone in my right elbow, and am typing with a single hand

takes forever

my bad: je me suis acoquinée avec un skateboard... qui m'a expulsée violemment

je paie maintenant

(and no, the health care system does seem better here. more staff... who do nothing.)