Hier j'ai passé une soirée superbe en compagnie de Jeff et José. J'avais supposément déjà rencontré José au cégep... Mais bon. Je n'en ai pas vraiment gardé de souvenir. Malheureusement.
Donc, nous sommes partis vers le 'Vieux', où j'ai mangé un sandwich falafel. Puis, ce fut le Maurice jusqu'à ce que Jeff se tanne. J'y ai rencontré Alex Bellavance. Wow. Une éternité.
Ensuite, nous sommes allés au Pub. Et la débauche a commencé.
En voici quelques preuves.
Mais d'abord, a picture long overdue: my sister's soccer player cookie, made for the world cup.

There were two teams of cookies. She and her boyfriend ate one of the cookies from a team when one of its players did something evil. Imagine the food orgy when Zidane did his head butt!
Now for la maudite boisson:We asked a girl passing by to take a pic of the 3 of us. Jeff liked the idea very much, as you can see:

Jeff and José are taking salsa lessons. The booze made them want to practice... on the patio at the Pub.
Great looks from the waitress!

We had very many serious discussions, about all kinds of serious stuff. You know me. It was the usual.
We were quite passionate about our povs. Here, the men do serious talk:

José and I tried to convince Jeff he should do away with his glasses. He replied: ``Yes, but I don't know what I look like without my glasses''. THAT is a strong prescription. So here's a pic of Jeff, so that he can decide whether he looks good enough or not to undergo surgery:

José diclosing the truth he hid from me most of the night in our martial arts talks. He does kung fu, yes, but went to a... single lesson!
Mouahahahah! Keep up, José! The first step is more than half of the journey!

Tôt au début de la soirée, j'ai repéré un mec qui ressemblait beaucoup à un de mes étudiants en Haïti. Je suis allé le voir après un verre ou deux (!), pour lui demander d'où il venait et pour jaser un peu. Alors on jase, on jase. Il me parle de sa femme et de sa fille. Qu'il n'a pas 28 ans (le max que je lui donnais, de proche), mais plutôt 43. Il me dit FINALEMENT qu'il vient du Cameroun. Je lui dis qu'il ressemble à un de mes étudiants, et il me répond:
``Tu sais, je m'en fous de tes étudiants. Je deale des milliards en pétrole, et..''
et je suis partie! Pouf! Disparue! Bel imbécile. Ça c'est ma face indignée alors que je raconte aux mecs mon aventure:

I received a few comments about my pictures. Supposedly, the more I drink, the less clear they get. Blurry, off-centered... Whatever. I however have to admit that these pictures seem to support the idea that I loose any talent in photography with time and booze:
A collage of body parts:

The last pic of the night, Jeff and José conspiring to get me... off my feet (!).

They failed, though. I learned my lessons well with Sam and Sensei. They (more especially José) were quite disappointed.